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How to Get Rid of Toenail Fungus?

Toenail fungus or onychomycosis, it is a common issue. This infection will change the look of your toenail and make them ugly.

Some common symptoms of toenail fungus include irritation, swelling, yellowing, thickening or collapse of the nail. It is not painful but it affects unless the infection spreads.

This infection can be generated because lots of causes such as unusual pH levels of the skin, a weak immune system, moist environment including like sweaty shoes and socks, reduced hygiene and diabetes.

A worst toenail fungus can cause cracking, splitting and even permanent loss of the toenail. But don’t need to worry as you can easily get rid of infected toenail, fungus is curable and can be fixed with ease. There are lots of natural home remedies though which one can cure the infection in one or two months.

A fungal nail infection occurs when fungi overgrowths under or on the nails. Fungi increased because of the warm, moist environments, so this type of situation can help them to naturally overpopulate. The fungi responsible for toenail fangs also cause jock itch, athlete's foot, and ringworm infections.

How Remedies for Toenail

Oil of Oregano

Oil of oregano contains some antiseptic, antibacterial, antiparasitic, antiviral, analgesic and antifungal properties. Due to these properties oregano oil can help to cut toenail fungus.

  1. Add two drops of oil of oregano in one teaspoon of olive oil.

  2. And apply this solution on the affected.

  3. Allow the solution for at least 30 minutes.

  4. After it, clean it off and dry your toes completely.

  5. Repeat this tip 2 times a day for three weeks.

Olive Leaf Extract (OLE):

In the researches it is found that Olive leaf extract has an amazing “cure all” substance to heal toenail fungus. It is also known as “natures natural antibiotic”, OLE is the only substance discovered so far that able to remove virus, bacteria, fungus and protozoa.

How to Prevent Toenail Fungus

  • Always wear footwear and clean/dry socks that reduce humidity

  • Always maintain dry feet and always bath your toes completely with a fresh water

  • Always wear footwear in public spaces such as swimming pools or showers

  • Maintain your nails clean and cut short

  • Use a personal nail clippers or footwear

  • Wear size free footwear or get fitted for orthotics

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