Home Remedies To Get Rid Of Toenail Fungus
Are you encountering following symptom like whitening, browning, or yellowing discoloration of one or more of your toenails? Is it getting spread or causing your nails to get thickened or cracked?
Medical treatment usually involves the use of prolonged, chemically prescribed, expensive antifungal medications. Though effective, but, still causes unpleasant side effects like allergic rashes and digestive disorders. As a result, some people may prefer home remedies to treat toenail fungus. The following are some of the more popular home methods that people have tried to treat toenail fungus.
Don’t let a toenail infection get the best of you and affect your lifestyle and progress. Be the part of mainstream. Try these easy and effective home remedies for toenail fungus
Causes Of Toenail Fungal Infection
Following are the main causes of toenail fungal infection:
If your looking for the main causes then, here they are
Growth of fungi due to moisture present in our body and outside environment.
Nail becoming brittle and dry due over aging.
Reduced flow of blood towards the the nails.
Weakened immune system due to less nutritious food.
Heavy sweating.
Improper hygienichabits.
Use of contaminated water.
Ignorance of early symptoms.
Sign And Symptoms Of Toenail Fungal Infection:
If following signs and symptoms appear then, you are a patient of fungal infection
Nails get under scalling
Streaks appear on the nails which are either white or yellow
Nails get crumbled at the corner or tip
White areas of the nail get flaked including pits
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Yellow spots appear at the bottom of the nails
Nails are lost
A nail may be lifted off due to distortion
Infected nail may contain odor
Nails become brittle or thickened.
Home Remedies To Cure Fungal Infection Of Toenails:
The most common medicine, Vicks Vappo Rub for cough and cold contains ingredients like camphor and eucalyptus oil which are very helpful in fighting nail fungus and small amounts applied on infected areas can give wonderful results.
Applicational of snakeroot extract over the in effected area can give wonderful results as, it it has anti fungal properties. It can be applied every third day for the month and then, twice a week for the second month and once a week for the third month.
Use of Tea Tree oil over the infectedarea with a cotton swap twice a day can give relief
Oregano oil can be used on the infected areas with a cotton swap twice a day.
Please Refer: Who Gets Toenail Fungus Infection Due To Several Issues
Olive leaf extracts contain anti fungal properties which are very helpful for curing nail fungal infection by applying directly or consuming it’s capsules.
Sunflower oil and olive oil are ozonized oils which can fight fungal effectively
Use of warm water and vineager over the fungal infected area can gives very effective and safe results.
Listerine comprises ingredients such as menthol, thymol, and eucalyptus,having antibacterial and antifungal properties which can be used over fungal infected toenail. Soaking the infected foot for 30 minutes daily in amber colored listering will beneficial.
Garlic has got antifungal and antimicrobial capabilities.It can be applied chopped or crushed on the affected area for 30 minutes daily.Even garlic capsules can be consumed for better results
Consumption of proper and healthier food can help to fight toenail infections. If you are diebetic and have weak immunity then, must take proper care.
Home remedies can be very effective for treating toenail fungal infection as, they are harmless and effective also readily available.one can easily find such ingredients at home or near about. Although it is always advisable to consult your medicinal expert before going for such remedies.